St. Joseph's Hospital Foundation is grateful for the continued support of our generous community. To all the people and businesses who have donated, sponsored, attended events, played our 50/50, or shared a kind word, from the bottom of our hearts... thank you!
50/50 PARTNERS You add a level of excitement that we couldn't achieve without you - THANK YOU for helping to make our 50/50 campaign so successful. |
EVENT SPONSORS You not only make our events possible, you make them spectacular, and you make sure St. Joe's can continue to provide excellent health care for our community - THANK YOU! |
SOME OF OUR SPECIAL PEOPLE Your kindness is an inspiration - THANK YOU! |
While this page is under construction, sadly, there are many important people who are not acknowledged here... yet! Please know while we're catching up on other Foundation things, we still appreciate you very much - and you will be on this page soon!