Ms. Jean Marie DionneAs Director of Mission at St. Joseph’s Hospital, I sit as an Ex-Officio member of the Foundation Board. The St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation does amazing things, and it is an honour to work with its Board and Staff. Each and every day, the Foundation continues the mission of St. Joseph’s Hospital – providing both high-tech equipment for the community’s medical needs and high-comfort support for anyone who may be vulnerable.They do it all while building connections within our facility and in the greater community. It’s pretty cool to be part of the team and see how it happens.I am a quiet, serious person… but I also love to laugh! Also, look out if I happen to be anywhere near a karaoke machine!
CONTACTSt. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation
130 Bayard Drive Saint John, New Brunswick Phone: (506) 632-5595 Fax: (506) 632-5594 Charitable Registration Number: BN 11918 3523 RR0001 |