Dr. Gillian ClarkeMy role on the foundation board is to hopefully provide some degree of medical expertise and opinion to the group, as it is composed of dedicated non-medical individuals with limited experience with the medical needs of the hospital. I try to present a non biased opinion of requests presented to the board, and help them understand the variety of requests that come from different departments within the hospital. Being on the board allows me to be connected at a different level of organization than my own department. It keeps me connected with a variety of people in roles other than physician or allied health staff. I appreciate the dedicated work of the individuals on the board, their honesty and their true interest in improving the experiences of the patients and people who use St. Joseph's Hospital. I am a physician and mother of two children, as well as the wife of a physician. In our family we prioritize health and physical activity and connection with others. Life is pretty busy. It is easy to fall into the routines of work and home. Branching out and remaining connected to what is happening outside my house and my work, like being on the foundation board, is important. I believe in the power of communication and collaboration and the satisfaction that it brings, and am glad to have the opportunity to do this as part of the SJHF board.
CONTACTSt. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation
130 Bayard Drive Saint John, New Brunswick Phone: (506) 632-5595 Fax: (506) 632-5594 Charitable Registration Number: BN 11918 3523 RR0001 |